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February 29, 2024

Preventable Overdose Deaths In The U.S.

by Gerald Posner Preventable overdose deaths in the U.S. set grim records during COVID.  Opioids account for about three-fourths of the 100,000 Americans killed each year. According to government statistics,...

February 29, 2024

Charlie’s Brother and the Day of the Dead

By Paul Martin His name was Charlie. And I had no desire to speak with him. I had had a very long day of meetings in Santa Fe. But he insisted. He...

February 29, 2024

Why We Care

by Paul Martin I often, probably too often, second-guess myself.  The voice rings and swirls, bounces, and sometimes pounds: Why are you doing this? Why do you have to get involved?...

February 29, 2024

The Power of Seeing-the Look of Grief

by Paul Martin There was this look in the eyes of all of them. And the way they interacted. How to describe it? Indeed, it is a brute vulnerability. No...

February 29, 2024

I Put Myself In Danger, to Learn

by Paul Martin "Were you afraid?" I hate to admit it. But I was. In February I was invited to embed with special forces in Mexico City police to drive...